Any family that wants welfare — be it food, tuition, or medical care assistance — should be expected to abide by reasonable standards of conduct, too.
Wow, sometimes jg, I can’t figure out if you’re just taking the mickey or are just bat$hit crazy… 😉
OK, let’s do a bit of reducto ad absurdam on this…
– What do you mean by ‘reasonable’?
– Who would enforce this’ reasonable’ conduct?
– Who gets to chose what is ‘reasonable’?
– How would you monitor when non-taxpayers conduct drops below ‘reasonable’ (if you could ever come up with a ‘one-size-fits-all’ code of ‘reasonableness’ for the entire population of the country)?
For someone who rails against the all-seeing-eye role of Government already, what you’re suggesting is a whole new tier of beaurocracy on top of the already burdensome level its at now.
Unless, which I believe you might be, you’re suggesting that everyone gives up thier personal morals/ethics and listen only to ordained Ministers/Priests/Pastors in the Christian Church.
In which case, you’re suggesting that we revert back to a system very similar to the politcal/moral power afforded by the Imams, in all those countries that we’re currently at war with….and where we’re currently trying to bring ‘Democracy and Freedom’.