“jg, for such a ‘newshound’, you sure get it wrong a lot. Your ‘point’ about fighting them over there was so laced with irony and fallicious logic I just don’t know where to begin.”
How about “terrorism” is the best war a long term oppressed region can wage and if we were in their shoes we would do the same thing,under the name of Jesus Christ instead of ALLAH of course. Since we have a big fancy and oh so Importantly “AMERICAN” war machine our invasions and killing including “collateral” damage are legitimate.Even if we are doing it for oil and the rights of the few to squeeze the profits off brokering that product. As long as it makes our standard of living better it is O.K. Hey history shows those people are a bunch of hot head losers anyway, lets just kill them and take everything they have.Rebuild their oil economy favorable to our little fascist global village leadership and move on. What’s not justifiable about that? If they won’t let us install a puppet goverment or make a “Kingdom” with a bought and sold king, what else are we supposed to do take a hit to our way of life? What are you a ^$%%^#^#**( COMMIE?
“If you are not one of us you are one of them(and you will be treated accordingly).” How is that for fallicious logic and opressive proganda? The jackass who mumbles that gets elected twice? Hey, don’t miss the Independence day sales on the latest and greatest gas guzzlers . Don’t waste all that “Freedom” our troops are killing and dieing for.