[quote=jficquette][quote=urbanrealtor][quote=jficquette]I though point number 2 was interesting in that I could see how belief in an all powerful government utilizing Socialism could be defined as a religion considering it has never worked anywhere its been tried yet so many people still have faith in it.[/quote]
Kind of like libertarianism or Ron Paul.[/quote]
Where has libertarianism been tried?[/quote]
In the United States from about 1777 until either 1890 (Sherman Anti-trust Act) or 1913 (Federal Reserve Act), depending on your point of view. For white men only, of course. Coincidentally – or not – that period in the US (particularly the Industrial Revolution – pick your dates) represented the most rapid advancement of living standards ever recorded (again, principally for white folks). And while the treatment of slaves was horrible (it goes without saying), slavery was probably a long-term detriment to the South, as it enabled the South to carry on an agrarian-based economy (with fewer technological advancements) longer than otherwise would have been possible.