[quote=jficquette][quote=Nor-LA-SD-guy]My grand father had a 10 acre farm in the San Fernando Valley in the 1930’s right where Warner Center is now (50 story office buildings incase you are not familiar with that local),
The San Fernando valley looked a lot like Palmdale Lancaster area in the 1930’s
In 1980 irvine was mostly farm land
In 1970 Valencia CA Population was about 15 thousand.
The theme here is very fast growth over a very long time period in SoCal .
So If you get your chance to buy a home during this downturn (how ever long it lasts)
Maybe you should (If you can afford it).
Just my two cents
That was before the Democrats ran the state into the ground.
Not sure everyone understands what a $40bill and growing state deficit means regarding future Tax increases etc.
I would agree Ca will probably declare bankruptcy at some point (I think they are just waiting until at least the rest of the U.S.A. has managed to recover somewhat).
Then we can do a reset with the unions, until then there is no hope, unions here have just committed slow suicide like the auto workers unions.