I have some attorneys in the family tree. None of them went to brand name recognition law schools. All are doing very well for themselves with incomes ranging from $250K to $1M+.
The ones doing very well have their own law practice. One of them has no attorneys working for him other than himself – he practices in the workers comp field, which, even though the laws are not as favorable to workers comp claims as they once were, he still earns a very high standard of living. The other attorney in our family who has his own law practice does have several attorneys working for him. He handles corporate bankruptcies and during bad times he does especialy well. The dot com bust era was a boom for his business.
To summarize, if you want to practice (lucrative) law, follow the money 🙂
But above all, as others have said before, do what you enjoy and success will follow.
Not earth shattering but definately words of wisdom.