I’ve got a better correllation for you. After GW I, it was decided that all deployable military personnel needed Anthrax shots. Turns out that the company that made the stuff was run by Clinton’s old crony, Admiral Crowe. The shots were given in an eight week series. I never did get them in the proper sequence, but was getting one every time I turned around. I never knew of anyone being exposed to Anthrax, but the same could be said for any number of immunizations.
Likewise, I spent twenty-plus years avoiding flu shots, since I knew that the syringe held some government employee’s best guess at what that future flu strain might be. For those who remember the last Swine Flu epidemic, after the fact it turned out that more people, mostly old, died of the innoculation than the flu, and that the innoculation was likewise a useless preventative for that strain.