I’ve been a dem my whole life then finally realized Ralph Nader was right, there is no difference between the two parties.
All that is missing is sponsered by patches on their suits. They don’t care about you, don’t full yourself.
Just like this housing clusterfuck. Every level of authority was pushing people into houses until it was so obvious that the bubble popped and they could not hide it anymore. Like leading pigs to the slaughter. I do not believe the gov’t, media and financial institutions are that stupid.
Just like peak oil. Keep telling everybody there is nothing to worry about when you and the gov’t should be preparing. I’m sure the MSM will report on it after it is obvious. They are good at getting things after the fact. Like all the bullshit reasons to go to war.
Or like global warming. Like new lightbulbs or hybrid cars will make a whit of difference. GHG are still rising,nothing has been done.
The US invariably will pick the worst president again…
Welcome to a world of fuel, water and food shortages with extreme wheather. Yes we in the 1st world don’t feel it yet but its creeping our way. You just are not paying attention.
With all the civil unrest in the near future it is quite a coincedence that they passed all these handy civil rights erroding laws in which the president can declare martial law and detain you without a lawyer in case of an “emergency”, which can be defined by the president. All of which Hillary voted for along with the war. In the mean time Halliburten was contracted to build a half billion dollar detention center to deal with all the unruley citizens.
The upper .01 is building fortresses to prepare for the impending storm, you should all take notice.
“The market, however, appears to have other ideas about how to meet the challenges of an increasingly disaster-prone world. According to Lloyd, despite all the government incentives, the really big money is turning away from clean energy technologies and banking instead on gadgets promising to seal wealthy countries and individuals into high-tech fortresses. Key growth areas in venture capitalism are private security firms selling surveillance gear and privatized emergency response. Put simply, in the world of venture capitalism, there has been a race going on between greens on the one hand and guns and garrisons on the other–and the guns are winning”
Keep dreaming eveybody because soon you are going to have to wake up to reality.