Is true sdrealtor… From the friends perspective I agree completely – the lack of connection is definitely from only being here for 7 years. But I have made some great friends and connections out here so I don’t lack for friendship, etc.
When I talk about the shallowness, it’s mainly that most of the people I run into aren’t exactly into intellectual pursuits. I can only discuss movies with them not books… They think more of celebrities, than they do about politics.
I’ve always heard that there is a rivalry between Northern and Southern California. The funny thing is that the Northerners consider us to be empty headed bubblegum blondes, and the Southerners DON’T CARE what the North thinks about us! This somewhat sums up the problem that I have with So. Cal… If you want to talk about issues, about literature, about other intellectual pursuits, this place is brain damaged and empty… Devoid of life. Is this the case with everyone here? Of course not! But the sunshine and lifestyle breeds a relaxed – why worry – don’t think to much atmosphere. Back east many of the people I would run into would have opinions and express them, they operated at a more intellectual level. When I lived in Carmel Valley (as well as here in Bird Rock) I was amazed at how many people just don’t think about politics, religion, books, and world issues… couldn’t give a crap! Cars, wine, and relaxing seem to be the important issues.
I’m afraid for my kids… At least when I grew up you couldn’t stay outside all the time, there was time for holing up and reading, and talking (about something other than getting a new cell phone).