In Scenario 2, I may have overstated the District 1 people thing. She grew up an hour outside of District 1 in the countryside,he grew up in Temecula so they are comfortable outside city centers and both like the new district 7 (as do I, district 7 is like 4S ranch or Del Sur, new but a little ways out from the center). For those who have never been there, district one is like Manhattan. They are totally aware there is no equivalent here. They are not chronic urbanites but have lived there for 7 and 3 years respectively so it’s not something ingrained. In that city which lacks subways with the population of NYC it can take 30 minutes to go just a few miles on a motorbike. Proximity is more important there and motorbikes makes driving less enjoyable, especially wearing face masks for pollution, no radio, conversation or phone calls, not to mention a different view of right of way and traffic signals. A 60 mile commute here is probably less taxing mentally than a three mile one there. They may even like Temecula which is where they will stay temporarily once they arrive.
And yes ZK, it is amazing to watch. I assure you it’s not a novelty or a few key phrases but perfect conversation which is a result of 3 years/16 hours a day of speaking/hearing it both in the home and at work. The wife and I recently spent three weeks there with them and it never got old watching people react once he began speaking. I never even tried, every word seems to have 10 different meanings if the tone is different. I pick up other key phrases in other languages fairly easily but Vietnamese and Chinese is on another level, I didn’t even try, I pointed a lot.
The UT has an article about SD having a very high level of price reductions, so perhaps a mild correction is afoot. I appreciate the insight on the seasonal fluctuations, that’s excellent advice and since both scenarios are childless, they should shop in the fall no matter which year.