“In case you’re not getting my point, every U.S. citizen benefits simply by being born in the U.S. The richest have benefitted the most and should pay the most in taxes. If you don’t like the U.S. tax system, then renounce your citizenship and move someplace that will better respect your monies.”
Glad that is cleared up. I always wondered what AlGore meant when he said I was a winner in life’s lottery. I wish I had known all this earlier, I would have foregone spending $50k on higher education, and working for 40 years. Just kick back and allow the magic of the good old US of A take care of things.
Also, I wonder if you would suggest that Pelosi and the D party in general renounce their citizenship since they clearly don’t like our current tax system, that ‘only’ requires a high earner in California to pay a combined top marginal rate of 44.3% in income tax, which of course does not include payroll tax, medicare taxes, prop. tax and sales taxes, among others.
But hey, count me in on buying Nancy and the gang a one-way ticket if she wants to head to greener pastures somewhere else!