I’m seeing a lot of theories to explain the different prices of housing San Diego vs. Texas. I still claim it is mostly land and lot prices, + a hostile government here that loves to skewer developers. You guys need to talk to some builders to see what they have to pay for lots.
A quick look at Craigslist for Dallas real estate immediately turned up, for under $30k, a big lot allegedly 20 minutes from Dallas downtown, 20 minutes from Fort Worth downtown. Allowing for some exageration by the seller, and this example’s admittedly anecdotal nature, it supports my thesis. I didn’t take the time to drum up more examples, but they seemed to be there.
What would a building lot 20 minutes from downtown San Diego cost? Here’s a start: $300k for a scraper in Scripps Ranch after their fire 4 or so years ago. (SD Realtor: you live in Scripps…is this about right?).
Another example I was involved in 3 years ago. 50 x 140 standard lot in North Park, so-so neighborhood, sold for $600k with scraper house on it. In fairness, I think the same lot now would go for $400k. But even with the current pullback, land and lots here are incredibly expensive.
We’ve got canyons, an ocean, an international border, military bases, and NIMBY’S throughout.