I’ll probably get flamed right off the board for this but here goes anyway…
The reason I won’t vote for Hillary is becuase when the WHOLE world knew he’d been cheating on her she stayed with him. Only a power hungry, stop at nothing to get what YOU want type of person would do stay with a known cheater because she thought to leave him would have hurt her chances of political power. A real woman would have kicked his butt out, picked herself up by the ovaries and moved on. To me she just proved it’s all about her, not about standing up for yourself. What happens when she has to stand up to the big boys in China, Iran or Russia? She just has no self respect in my eyes, but what do I know? I know, I know, to judge a person’s ability as President by the fact she stayed with a cheating husband is pretty lame, but I’ve got to go with my gut.
Usually I’m a Republican all the way but I’ve got to say I’m leaning Obama just because he’d shake things up and by default things would change, and boy do we need a governmental 10.0 earthquake.