[quote=ucodegen]When logic fails, resort to name calling (ie racist screed). If you really knew me, you would know that this comment is so far off that it is laughable.
There was no name calling. I think you have adopted a racist screed. That doesn’t make you a racist.
The argument that undocumented aliens are a huge drain on the system has long been debunked. In some counties and states their contributions are less than associated costs. In others they are more. Nationwide, there are no conclusive studies, though in more recent years the contribution of the undocumented has risen with better enforcement of employment laws. The “under the table” payments, as described in the original post have dropped dramatically in the last 10 years. They’re not gone, but they’re nowhere near where they were. As previously mentioned by at least one other poster, payment of social security and medicare taxes by those who will never receive any benefits is a huge gain for the system. It extends the solvency of both programs.
On education, if I understand you to be saying that you believe that children of citizens are more worthy of an education than those of non-citizens, solely based upon where their parents were born, I am simply dumbfounded by your sense of superiority, arrogance and entitlement. Hopefully I misunderstand you.