if the tenant is smart, they won’t allow the eviction to go “uncontested”. In that event, the eviction will cost the landlord/owner a lot more than $499, that would be upfront money before any back rent is ever collected.
If the landlord is smart, he will be able to figure out how to file an unlawful detainer lawsuit without an attorney. All forms are available online, e.g.
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to fill that.
If the tenant is smart, he will pay up and move out as soon as they get the court notice – the cost of getting an eviction on your credit report far outweighs a couple months’ rent.
If the tenant is stupid, he will ignore the notice and end up being evicted by the sheriff.
The only situations where I can imagine the tenant trying to contest the eviction are a) there’s something wrong with the lease contract, or b) the tenant himself and/or one of his close friends is a lawyer.
I can’t imagine any sensible tenant throwing his money away on a lawyer trying to contest a hopeless case, knowing that he’ll have to pay landlord’s legal fees as well.