If “sheer population” is the case, we would see the rich and most advanced countries being most populous. The reverse is often true.
Population is an advantage but it has shown to be a much less important factor in associating with more advanced or civilized societies. The sheer number of “engineeer”, “doctor”….etc doesn’t mean that:
2. The educated are provided an environment where they can thrive to the max of their ability.
3. etc….
Don’t get me wrong, I am asian, so I don’t do asia bashing. But I think the reality is that China still has a huge gap to fill. The possibility of not being able to catch up is huge.
Lastly, I would not be proud of anything that has to do with Macau. If you go to Las Vegas or other California Casinos, you see too many asians. They worked their butts off and donate money to the casinos…..That, I would say F’ck, the asians are the most stupid.