If not for improper conduct getting evidence by the FBI, Ayers would be a felon. He would have done significant prison time, and rightly so, for the acts you seem to be trying to diminish in significance.
He is hardly a distinguished professor at UIC. If it weren’t for others in positions of power, seemingly sharing some of his and his wife, Bernadette Dohrn, beliefs, now being in high positions in academics neither would be where they are now and we are not better off because of folks like Ayers and Dohrn.
Add BO to the list of “quasi-academics” who have embraced these two, particularly, when it benefited him to do so.
If you believe it’s okay blow things up because you don’t care for how things are being done then Ayers is your man.
If you believe it’s okay to trespass and shout down speeches then the loony left is your domain.
If you believe falsely registering millions to vote because they are on your side then the Dem party is your party.
And if you believe the end justifies these means then BO is your man.
Lastly, on to the initial subject of this thread. I, like Powell, think every citizen who qualifies under the constitution should be able to aspire to the presidency regardless, of race, color or creed or sex.
I just don’t understand what his complaint about prejudice against Muslims has to do with McCain or the Republican party. In fact, it was Hillary who raised the entire question about BO and his possible Muslim heritage not McCain or the Reps. It was Bill, Ferraro and Biden who raised questions of reverse racial bias in favor of BO not McCain or the Rep party.
Of course, their will be narrow minded folks in both parties and some folks who are supporters of both will say things neither candidate agrees with.
The interesting thing is that the bias against Muslims that Powell seems to be fixated on and only as to Reps curiously could only be effective if that bias is found not just in Reps but in folks of both parties and in independents.
Thus Powell’s Muslim bias justification for supporting BO is neither logical nor based in reality.