[quote=ibjames]Ha.. I can’t people get pissed over how the term engineer is used, the fact it there are several types of engineering. Technologist? Please..
In the higher levels of IT you have to know a lot about how things collaborate, hardware proficiencies, how software interacts with that hardware, how software interacts with each other. How machines/services interact with each other, data transfer methods etc. We also use tools, yes, not physical scopes and meters, but with other types of performance and data gathering tools.
Instead of engineering a chip or some other type of physical device we engineer full computing infrastructures. There isn’t a standard layout, this has to be dissected, planned, researched.
Technologist is someone that plays with computers, reads computer theory, and knows how to fix a printer.
I have never even met anyone with a degree from ITT. You guys have your underwear on WAY too tight[/quote]
What you have defined above is the exact defenition of a technologist.
If you went to engineering school then you are entitled to your opinion. If you didnt… You couldnt understand why some people get pissed. Would a doctor feel ok that a nurse calls themselves a doctor? They too understand the way drugs interact with the body. It is the same thing that you have described above. I have only met a few people in my life that don’t have a engineering title and I would consider engineering material. There are a lot of people with engineering degrees that are not engineering material either. I can see a difference in the thought process of someone classically trained versus someone who didnt. That is usually the difference. Plenty of exception out there…
But unless you paid your dues like some here did, to me your opinion doesnt count.
I am sorry if you find that rude but I paid the price to wear the badge.
And before another war of words break out. I have no problem with computer scientist degrees calling themselves engineers. They suffered the same beatings as the rest of us.
Take care,
P.S. I dont not think myself as some super engineer… I just try harder than most cause I actually enjoy what I do (well… most of the time)