I would strongly echo “privatebankers” remark about staying the course and not trying to find the “best-latest-possible-better” investment vehicle … if you have a well constructed portfolio put together from research & a strong foundation of educated investment principles then no need to panic at every new downturn of the market… even big ones as the one looming on the near horizon. Hoping for hints/insight on a blog forum is one thing but to base your financial future on this is not the wisest investment course… even though Piggs has numerous & experienced brainpowered investors.
Try doing a little (actually – a lot) of research on your own or hire an independent advisor to guide you (maybe Rich). One of the best investment reading/research list is found on William Bernstein’s site … at http://www.efficientfrontier.com/. You can get as in-depth here as one cares to dive and if you are like other Piggs where data rules … then no one brings investment data like Bernstein – although the time to read through these may be more than most care to suffer as well as trying some of the math simulations… but well worth what you will get out of it.