I think the main reason articles like this is posted or people are concerned is because in say the last 60 years or so which is where people’s perspectives are stuck, the US general “middle” class had it good. With the world and Europe all bombed out, it was a ripe time for US manufacturing to boom and job growth, etc…
We’re probably just reverting to the historical (1000 years) mean of few wealthy, poor masses, etc…
Europe has a wide safety net and is making them less competitive with other countries. US doesn’t have this as much, but when push comes to shove, people will just revolt .again., but not anytime soon since it’s not that bad yet. I’d guess in 50 years.
The high youth unemployment is a big problem in some countries of Europe and if this were to occur in the US in mass, you’ll end up having more people willing to join disenfranchised groups to cause problems for everyone. Specifically, the single males will lead to more crime or acts of terrorism. I’m surprised Yemen is collapsing now.
Automation will continue to happen, but it has been occurring for a long time.
Also, people many years ago 60+ probably lived younger so you worked, retired, and died within 5 years.
Back in probably 0 AD, people lived to 35? so no need for retirement.
With people living to the 90s-100+, it’s a big problem for everyone and we’ll see places like Japan first and see what they do. Honestly, having seen old folks and having volunteered to help old folks before, them living in homes and doing things like sit, watch tv shows they don’t care about, work on coloring books, I think I’d rather just be dead than to be in a mode of “waiting to die” as that’s what it looks like to me.