I think that Pope Urban VIII’s apostolic uncle had more impact on him than his brother. This early influence is what propelled Pope Urban VIII and ultimately led to him becoming Pope. His actions and policies contributed to the Tulipmania bubble.
Being a bit dim-witted (he once almost choked to death on Communion, which he often snacked on as he watched sporting events on his couch), the Pope’s misguided policy’s aimed at extended the power and reach of Italy and the Church and his call to Galileo to recant his discoveries inadvertantly led to a long and protracted struggle, which lasted thirty years, and is known coincidentally as the Thirty Years’ War.
The struggle of the Thirty Years’ War impacted continental Eurpope’s supply of tulip bulbs. Also, the policies of the Vatican, which promoted speculation in floral goods, also contributed, as did a global glut of fertilizer which chased more and more speculative floral products.