i suspect alot of bitter or gullible renters bought in at or around the peak due to the seemingly ever increasing prices, ever increasing availability of free money, ever increasing pressure from grocery store clerks and infomercials talking about “you loser! look at me, look at these beautiful women! you be like me, you stop being loser!” those bitter/gullible renters are now bitter debtors.
you gotta be a total moron to think that a “bail out” will succeed in achieving whatever goal you’re praying for it to achieve. it won’t. the bail out is not for you. there’s only so many life boats and you’re not invited.
if a bail out could possibly do what you hope it would do, why wouldn’t it just be standard policy? if everyone could live on the dole and not be responsible or productive citizens and yet live a life of luxury, why bother with capitalism and competition? education and innovation?