I sort of agree with you Rustico – I think that secondary education (College, University, et ct) should be a privilege. Only thing is that grammar and high school should be the opposite.
I think it’s society’s burden to education it’s citizens. The less involved the parents, the less education they themselves have perpetuates the crime and poverty in every country in the world.
The better the environment a kid comes from, the less need for getting the family / home lessons in a school. I’d be willing to bet that an inner city kid with a single working mom and no supervision could achieve the same great results as a middle class kid in a nice home with 2 supportive parents if their education was comparable.
If kids have the ability and desire above that – they should earn college. You know it’s funny…. The world is such a crappy place for so many billions of people – it seems that education is the difference. We only pay lip service to it in this country. The US education system will be the real problem on our downward slide to a third rate country.
Do you know how hard kids work in India and China when they get the opportunity to go to school? They cram, they study, they read, they practice on each other, they commit suicide sometimes from the enormous pressure they are under by their parents. Many of them are the only hope for the family to raise themselves out of poverty.
We have lost that desire in this country. Not everyone – but the numbers show just how deluded we are in thinking we actually get a quality education with the system we are in.