I got in touch with my landlord this evening. I finally *67’d my phone and she actually picked up – and was mighty surprised to hear my voice.
I was very, very nice and diplomatic. Told her that, nope, we werent interested in buying any house for at least a year. She said she knew we were interested in buying at some point and thought if we were interested, she’d see if the bank would accept a short sale. She said she also knows that homes in this area have been going for $350K. Last year, this place was on the market for ~650K. Wow.
Dont think she’s in default – yet – because she complained that the “banks are only working with HOs (Homeowners – not ladies of the night)that are in default.”
She’s “very upside down” on this house and 3 others and told me that she knows “a lot” of people in Murrieta who are buying new homes and just walking away from existing trainwrecks.
I explained that we would prefer to have as much notice as possible, and that even if she cant pay the mortgage, to pls let us know because I dont want to have to scramble. She promised that she wouldnt do that “to such nice people” and then invited us to a BBQ.
Who knows…who knows what people will do when they’re desperate, eh?
I hope we’ll have time to get us through the summer and into a new rental….