I just don’t see how this year can be as good as last year. Never had a year so good as last year in my trading account. Problem for me is my trading account is taxable. So even though market is going down, I can’t sell without huge tax hits.
401k is in sp500 index, I don’t want to screw up my retirement and there is enough in there already that I don’t need to find outsized gains. Just going to let that sit.
Roth IRA allows me to trade tax free but there just isn’t much money in there compared to my other accounts.
Company RSU/ESPP held for so long that gains are so big now, I don’t think I can sell, just take in the dividends.
So not much I can do except for small trades and hold on and pray there isn’t a crash coming soon.
We can’t possibly get another year like last year, right?