I hope you two don’t mind me interrupting your engaging banter to answer the question about SEH construction…but oh well.
Our home was built in 2002 and we’ve been in it as renters for just over a year without any problems whatsoever. During the wind/wildfires last year our young tree in the front yard blew over (snapped in half) but otherwise it’s been a great house. I know many of the people on the street, and I have yet to hear of any regular problems with construction…but perhaps because many have been in for 4-5 years or more, the problems have all been settled in the past.
And I agree with the runner, the community is VERY friendly…almost too friendly for those of us that don’t like everyone on the block being “up in my bizness”.
The Albertsons just opened, which is really nice. And we were just sent some artist rendering of the SEH Health Club…who knows when that will be complete though (I’m not holding my breath). I wouldn’t say that it has great freeway access, because it’s at minimum 5 miles from the closest one (78). But it is incredibly quiet and has a great community feel. I loved Encinitas a lot, but 4th street, Neptune, and Village Park, were all much noisier with much less community in my opinion.
Okay…sorry for the intermission…now back to the entertainment. FIGHT!