I haven’t looked at the electoral college in some time, so if I’m wrong here somebody jump in. It is my recolection that the electoral votes given to each state equals their number of members in congress. The house is based on census data, more people equals more votes. The senate is based on two per state, regardless of size, giving Wyoming as many votes as California. So one favors the populus, while the other puts each state on equal footing regardless of population. Combining the two for the electoral college is a nice balance.
In my opinion, doing away with the EC would greatly increase voter fraud. I’ve experienced plenty of it myself in my home state of Wisconsin. While I was in college, many would vote absentee, then hop on a bus to get taken to a polling place. As students could vote at any polling place, some would even get back, hop on a different bus and vote again some place else. People would brag of voting 3 or 4 times in the same election. It made me sick. During the last major election, partisan volunteers slashed the tires of rental vans that the other party was going to use to bus the poor and elderly to the polls. They were convicted, and one was an elected politician’s son. Milwaukee also has seen more ballots than registered voters, people voting under the names of deceased, convicts voting, etc. It is a sorry mess. Unfortunately reform is difficult, as which ever party benefits from the fraud resists efforts to fix.