I have no doubt it will sell at that price or maybe higher. But I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’m not going off the cliff w/all the other lemmings. I didn’t do it during the bubble. (damn – look what good that did me. I could be living for free)
If I have to rent until I’m in a nursing home, well, so be it. At least I can still live here and enjoy San Diego w/out being a broke mortgage slave.
I still have hope and will still look and probably still continue to be disappointed by sales that make me shake my head.
As I said to sdr, from what I’m seeing, anything under 500k is very active. Makes me think affordability, but sdr does not think so. But it seems anything over 600-700k and up is on the market a lot longer. At least in the ZIPs I’m watching. I see a lot of re-lists, changing MLS #s and BOM from pendings.
So maybe I’ll just keep saving and try the next price up.
From what I’ve been reading, there were many people that took advantage of the credits. Remains to be seen what will happen once that’s all gone. I hear the California credit is drying up.