I hardly think the demographics are changing, redhawk elementary has 4% english language learners. Jackson elementary had 5%. Those are the two redhawk schools, 1600 students , 4.5% average english language learners about the same percentage of free lunchers, forgive me for holding back on sounding the alarm. More than likely there is some law requiring an interpreter if one family needs it. Please keep in mind that South Temecula, with it’s 40k people, does have one apartment building, a couple of smaller and older tracts and currenlty there is no law banning mexicans from the town, sorry!
pick the school you want to look at and pick the “school demograpic characteristics” button.
Check out the demograpics for great oak, south teme’s high school. 4% english language learners and 7% grub stubs, but the gifted program percentage at all the schools outnumber both categories percentage wise. Now is where the real fun comes in, check the demographics of another area.
carlsbad high-15% free lunch 6% ELL
poway high-11% grub, 5% ell
vista high-36% grub, 21% ell
la costa canyon 9% lunch, 6% ell
Name some other great san diego county schools, when your demographics are better than la costa canyon, it’s ok to relax. My suggestion, the cameron hughes rutherford cab, a great buy at about ten bucks at costco, share a bottle with the guy at the postal annex so he can relax too.
By the way, the postal store type places in an interesting demographic slice, the last time I went in there a few years ago I got stuck in line behind someone paying their utilities. I didn’t even know you could do that at those places, but the lady was laying down $20 on each tab like she was placing bets at the track. My guess is that was a fairly vulnerable demographic.