I don’t visit here much anymore but, of course, yesterday we found out that the conclusion to City of SD’s very costly and lengthy litigation regarding City’s illegally-placed Prop B on its ballot a few years back will soon be coming to an end in favor of its affected employees so that thread needed another update.
Thanks for creating this thread, TG. If you don’t mind, I’ll use it for a mini-platform for my one simple question of two very frequent posters here (FlyerInHi/briansd1 and zk) who have largely been publicly lamenting to and amongst themselves for over 2.5 years now on the following thread (and others polluting the blogosphere), which I stopped reading l-o-o-ng ago because it made my eyes glaze over:
Disclaimer: I am currently a registered Independent. I was a Republican for one year and 11 months (4/16 to 3/18) in order to vote for Cruz (who promised to abolish the ACA his first day on the job) in CA’s closed primary but alas, he didn’t get the nomination. So I voted for Trump, who depended on the lame-brain Republican-led Congress to “repeal and replace” the ACA and they could not manage to get it done. I got disgusted and impatient with them and parted ways as I was (and am) a one-issue voter.
I have noticed recently that the ever expanding 2020 presidential candidate field includes the likes of Elizabeth Warren (who is proposing “Medicare for All”) and Kamala Harris (who is proposing to “do away” with health insurance carriers, lol …). I don’t agree with either of these policies.
However . . . if either one of these clowns wins the election (or any of their similarly-situated “brethren”) and is elected president in 2020, I will accept the results. This is what mature adults do after an election is held, the votes counted and the electoral votes duly awarded.
I recall that several here have judged me in the past for ostensibly not being “grateful” for obamacare when I was involuntarily forced onto it by the enactment of the ACA. Of course, none of those posters had ever walked in my shoes.
Regardless, I will soon be eligible for Medicare so obama(crap)care will no longer be my problem. I’ll be signing up for my Nationwide Medicare Part B/D plans while you worker bees out there may very well have your employer-provided healthplans taken away from you (under a “Harris” administration). As a result, you could be forced to deal with being age-ranked and thus gouged for monthly premiums due to being mixed into a giant “pool” of millions of your “brethren” who have never taken care of themselves and never will. Good luck with that.
My best advice to you all is to very carefully consider who you will vote for president in 2020 :=D