I do think you are being a little hard on the educator. There are lots of bad teachers out there in public school, but there are lots of good ones as well. I think all science teachers are awesome!!! In my public school in NY we had terrible and great english teachers, same in social studies… but the math and science teachers were almost always someone special. Maybe I’m biased because I am a geek – but I think it’s pretty special to try and teach kids math and science.
The problem with education (in my opinion) is that it is not given enough budget or status in our society. Education is the key to EVERYTHING. It eliminates poverty, prejudice, and narrow-minded belief systems. On the other side teaching has awesome people but also burnt out wrecks hanging on to a unionized position. The bad teachers being allowed to teach hurt the profession just as the good teachers make it special. The private schools, while generally paying less money, have complete accountability to the parents paying the tuition. They attract great teachers or they are fired. You can’t do that in the public school system… Our private school pays very, very well and it’s reflected in the tuition. It is elitist in the sense that only a few select children can attend, but the education and environment they are getting is worth every penny. I wish this wasn’t the case.