“I do know, however, that some seniors, with LOTS of money do quite a bit of molestation – but I’m assuming that most of it is mutual.”
I didn’t know there was such a thing as mutual molestation?
I thought that was called sex?
When I traveled in Mexico I was made aware of a very stratified society. I was told that individuals from “la crema” “the creme” had many ills that the lower class would never dream of or at least, survive to perpetuate. I think that can be relevant in this country too. Evidently the protection that wealth and power provides is pretty broad in some instances.
Anyway it is unfair to implant this stuff into a debate about public or private schools. I think Drews opinion sums it up for me anyway. Our kids are going to go to a school it is our job to protect guide and be responsible for them not the schools. My Reforms of public schools would be drastic. An education would be returned to the status of a privelege not a right. Nobody would be denied an education but it would be in line with their behavior and talents.If the parents were so defective as to not be able to support an educational system the kids would go to orphanges and get their educaton there. Hopefully that incentive would be enough, with some other reforms to turn eduaction around without the need for to many family interventions. serious school reform would require an overhall of our entire society at this point and I don’t see it happening.