I am very concerned. Something is going on that is way deeper than what we see on the news. I can’t see clearly through the muddle and the hyped-up news stories. Did we Americans start this just like we started (and abandoned to massacre at the hand of Saddam) the Kurdish rebellion? If we didn’t start the protests in Egypt, why didn’t our numerous plants in the region have more information as to what is going on?
I found this article about the beginning of the uprising in Egpyt:
Said, a young businessman from Alexandria, was reportedly beaten to death by local police this summer—well before rumblings of the country’s current unrest. But a Facebook page that bears his name has been one of the driving forces behind the upheaval that started last week.
The anonymous Facebook page administrator who goes by the handle El Shaheeed, meaning martyr, has played a crucial role in organizing the demonstrations, the largest Egypt has seen since the 1970s, that now threaten the country’s authoritarian regime.
Yet even Egypt’s most active activists have no idea who the anonymous organizer is.
So what is going on exactly? Anyone else have any ideas outside of the mainstream media blathering? Does Israel want the Suez canal? Do we? Or is there something else driving this?