I am not sure I feel I should pay for a healthcare system for the entire nation,
Here’s the choice … You could pay extra to extend healthcare coverage to all 300 million Americans rather than 250 million … Or you could pay extra so that insurance companies can spend money on screening prospective clients, denying coverage to anyone who’s likely to get sick, and then refusing to pay for procedures on a case-by-case basis in order to save money. (And also hope that you don’t develop some sort of condition that makes you virtually uninsurable until you’re 65)
The reality is that people who need expensive treatment ultimately get it anyway. If Mr. Rodriguez does not have health insurance and his appendix ruptures, he goes to the ER, they do the surgery and send him a bill for $50,000. Since he does not have the money, he declares bankruptcy and the hospital has no choice but to get the money out of its other patients (you, for example).