I’m not liking all the ‘well, we can always poach Obama’s pledged delegates’, or ‘let the Superdelegates decide’, or the endless re-referencing of the Jeremiah Wright debacle.
A talking head on one of the cable news channels put it beautifully the other day “every time I think of Hillary, all I see is the Fine Print” -ie she needs to point out the exceptions, rather than looking at the Big Picture, when it comes to her actually winning the nomination ‘honestly’.
But – having said all that – there’s still 20% of the States that haven’t voted yet…and with both FL and MI being out of the running (with lots of mudslinging on both sides about that), its more important than ever to allow the remaining States to have their say.
So, yeah, this whole sorry mess will drag itself on into June. Hillary won’t go quietly, not while the chance to pick up a few more delegates in the remaining 10 states still exists.
My only hope is that they start to tone down the bitching – any more James Carville-like ‘Judas” comments, and the Dems are in danger of losing a lot of their support.