I agree with Rustico that SD Realtor is a valuable contributer, and I have learned a lot from him (her?). However, I also think his ulterior motives show through from time to time. This passage in the original post made me cringe:
“I always advise to get a Realtor to help represent you. No the price of your home does not go up. It stays the same. Try to get a rebate from your realtor but if you cannot it still will help to have someone who is looking out for YOUR interest, not for the builders.”
We have a slow sales market overrun by new Realtors…they are hurting right now and will do what it takes to get paid. I don’t think you can ever make the statement with a straight face that a Realtor has your interest solely in mind, even in a good market. They don’t get paid unless there is a sale, and it is human nature to respond to incentives. I know several great Realtors, and I like the two on this blog. But I do think it is a bit misleading to make statements like the one above.