I agree… Look at GW if you want to see self-serving and inhumanity. A man who actually laughed about killing a retarded criminal. A man who will sacrifice thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians instead of admitting his mistakes and incompetence.
Amazing…. In claiming to try to stop terrorism, he has become the number one terrorist. Torturing and kidnapping people in the name of god and country. If we had any credibility in the world, it is shot now. Why would anyone look up to or follow a nation which condones torture and which tramples on it’s own civil liberties. A nation which executes other human beings in order to get vengeance. A nation which kills for oil and rapes the environment in order not to upset the economic status quo for it’s wealthier denizens.
Sadistic guards beating and torturing both the enemies as well as the innocents – because there is no system of checks and balances and a flawed command structure where if the king doesn’t get the consensus for his flawed ideology, the generals are fired or demoted. Honorable fighting men and women sacrificed for bad judgment and a need to hold on to the power lever or the enemies of it’s religious agenda would take over…. The list goes on…
Lucky that Paris Hilton and other important news is on the forefront of the citizens minds, they don’t realize that a dangerous lunatic is in command and is destroying the nation that we sing about.