I actually appreciate this thread. I don’t have strong military opinions, only questions. I dislike our foreign policy, which is based on OFFENSE. That’s what I dislike. I am learning from reading others’ viewpoints.
I would like to know why the US has targeted Iran as a threat, and not the other nuclear-power producing nations.
Why are we in Iraq? It was supposed to be WMD, but if they had them, they would have used them. None were found. Why not say, “Oops, sorry, we’ll go home now”. What is the REAL reason for invading Iraq?
Why is the war in Iraq so long and unusuccessful?
Should we have such a large military when we have to print dollars and increase our debt to fund them? After all,they don’t respond to threats, they’re pre-emptive and offensive oriented.
Why is is so hard for Bush to get along with Iran and Iraq? Other countries get along great with them, even trade with them.