How many rich Sony execs are moving here?
I can’t even remember the last time I bought something made by Sony.
Can one company of employees like Sony float the whole bloated SD housing market? Unless companies like Sony plan to pay their employees big $$ —while raising prices on their sub-standard consumer market products…then they -like all the rest — can’t afford to do business in SD.
The fact is…it’s been said ad nauseam on this blog—the fundamentals: median incomes do not support mortgages that are 10X the median income. If housing costs suck up all the “expendable” income…consumers have no money to consume on all the stuff they want us to buy.
It’s also been said before that there comes a point when home “ownership” costs are not worth it, where renting allows for more financial stability.
It’s a nice thought to think that employers like Sony will move in — but to keep prices high because of all their rich execs –begs the question how much will that cost Sony -and how many execs are there??