How about this? We start treating health insurance like car insurance – you pay for your oil changes and basic maintanance, and if you get into an accident or something major happens, you are covered. Health insurance should be for the catastrophic diseases…you pay for the coverage for the big ones…cancer, accidents, etc. You would get one check-up per year. Any colds, fevers, small injuries you pay for, and when the big one happens, you pay a deductable, say $10,000, then all is covered. There would be an incentive for you to stay in good shape, less money out of your pocket.
Second we take medical students who want to pay off their student loans and match their payment to the loan company if they spend so many hours working in not-for-profit public health clinics one or two days a month. That would provide health care for the indigent at low or no cost and help med students pay off loans faster. What say you to this?