Why are we seeing the same symptoms of social decay occurring in white rural areas these days — areas which are predominantly CHRISTIAN? Increases in crime, meth addition and drug use, teen pregnancy and single motherhood, poverty and unemployment — all of it is on the rise. In some places, entire communities have been devastated the way we would typically associate with urban ghettos. These are rural white populations, luch. CHRISTIANS. What’s going on?
You make the astounding statements that the “Secular Left” is to blame for the social problems found in American cities, and for the deaths of 100M people at the hands of ruthless dictatorships. Perhaps ‘Christianity’ doesn’t have as much to do with it as you suggest? All forms of government are susceptible to the consolidation of power and the violent oppression of people. It is RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY to suggest that societies that aren’t Judeo-Christian are “evil killing machines”.
We’re a predominantly Christian nation. The US didn’t have to drop atomic bombs on Japanese civilians at the end of WWII. We did it for strategic reasons. How many civilians did we incinerate or kill through radiation exposure? Check the archives at UCMerced for a first-hand photos and accounts of what a Christian empire is capable of doing. What happened to Native Americans? Is exterminating a race of humans a ‘Christian’ thing to do? Take some time to familiarize yourself with the history of your own country. Maybe we’re not as ‘Christian’ as you’d like to think we are.
And as for the ad-hominems, you started this retarded thread. You made some stupendously bigoted statements — saying people who aren’t Christian enough for your taste are responsible for the deaths of 100M people. You toss out this ludicrous attack-mode crap then cry “ad hominem” when confronted. “Stop calling me names… Whaaa, whaaa…” Welcome to the ‘new-age’ republican party. Used to be bleeding-heart liberals, now it’s bleeding-heart conservatives.