Hmmmm. 8000… That’s going to be pretty hard to swallow. I would think the gov would definitely intervene by then in epic proportions, don’t you?
What would they do about it? You can’t force people to buy equities. I can imagine the PPT being deployed, but that can only work so much.
Not to mention, most of you employees on this board would be jobless?
How so? If the stock market is a bubble as well the only people that will be losing their job are stockbrokers and fund managers. If my company is doing the same amount of business and its stock falls 50%, it doesn’t mean I’ll lose my job. It just means the stock was too pricey in the first place.
This reminds me of all the hoopla about hedge funds imploding. So what. They can afford it. And for everyone one that implodes there are probably at least two others that were playing an inverse position and making bank. Heck, the greatest hedge fund returns in history were set this year shorting mortgage backed securities.