Hi SD Realtor. I am a newbie on the block, just reading along on the sidelines for the past few weeks. I am also interested in the area along Calle Cristobal – would you mind including me in your email of data? (caliscaly@yahoo.com)
Moved to SD last fall, sold my home in GA in March, looking to buy eventually in SD. Can you say culture and sticker shock?? We have been renting a small (very small) apartment in Carmel Valley/Del Mar, and need to move soon as the complex was sold and they are raising the rent. With all I have read, I think we will try to continue renting for another year. I am looking for a small home in the area along Calle Cristobal, Park Village, or north of 56. Rentals I have seen so far are very overpriced, and pretty run down, but they still get rented very quickly! Finding something with 3 bedrooms for 2000/mo or less is almost impossible in this area, but I need to stay between Rancho Bernardo/I-15 and UCSD/La Jolla for commuting purposes. Looking at higher priced rentals now. Any suggestions of any other good safe areas to rent in this area would be appreciated as well.
Sorry for getting sidetracked. I will be following along to see where the market goes, but will be on the sidelines for at least a year once we move and sign a lease.