Hey, I have a new conspiracy theory for you! It is great and it would be a thousand times less expensive and far easier to pull off.
(Read the following in a hushed but urgent whisper, frequently looking over your shoulder to make sure no one is watching you)
What if there is a group of people out there who hate the current administration and the US and want to discredit both? So, get this, they hire a bunch of people to post a bunch of nonsense online about how the US engineered 9-11! These people cobble together a bunch of stuff about asbestos, lack of rubble, popping noises and convince everyone that buildings can never fall down no matter how they are damaged (we all know engineers are perfect and that there are never any short cuts taken in construction and that mistakes are never made). These people use some sort of cover, like interest in real estate, to hide their real agenda… EEEK! I’m getting Goosebumps!
This just in – there is new evidence suggesting that the 9-11 hijackers weren’t really radical Muslims who hate the US. They were, in fact, CIA agents who had face transplants. I heard from a reliable source that the US actually has a real transporter (like Star Trek) that was reconstructed from the Roswell spaceship and we used it to beam them off the planes at the last second. They have now had new face transplants are now posing as President Bush and his advisors.