Here’s the supply side from 2009
[img_assist|nid=14078|title=Renewable Energy Supply 2009|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=253]
Let’s see, Solar 1% of 8%, umm, that’s 0.08% of the energy pie.
Wind cranks up another 0.72%. Combined they are less than 1% of the energy pie. Are you seeing the scale of gap and why AB32 dictating the 33% of energy comes from “Green” is going to be a problem.
That’s a quadrupling of the energy generation currently. Subtract out Hydro, which accounts for over a 1/3rd, since we aren’t likely redoing the dams and you need 6X increase.
We can debate if biomass is ‘Green’ from a CO2 standpoint. It requires that all the CO2 from burning be matched by the decay of the plant. Seems logical until you stop to think that Oil is biomass that didn’t fully decay before it was sequestered and then baked by the planet into oil. Likewise, our landfills are now a source of methane and incomplete decomposition of materials.
As for the decades of subsidies. Are you saying we’ll pull the plug on Green subsidies and they’ll be self funding? I doubt it. Subsidy per megawatt for coal is about 50 cents. Today for wind or solar is $20+…