Here’s a Warren Buffet joke with some slight adjustments:
David Lereah dies and goes to heaven.
He get’s to the gates and of heaven and St. Peter says, “well, you know, we’d love to have you, but the area we reserve for Real Estate Professionals is all full” as he points to an area bursting with Real Estate Professionals.
David Lereah tells St. Peter “No problem…watch this”. He cups his hands to his mouth and yells as loud as he can “Real Estate boom in Hell, now’s the time to buy!”
All the Real Estate Professionals rush as fast as they can past the golden gates and past the amazed St. Peter clambering over each other to get down to hell.
St. Peter says to David Lereah “Well, I guess there’s room now, welcome!”
David Lereah says “Are you kidding me? What if that rumor’s true?!? ” as he too rushes down to hell.