I have a mostly pointless yet passingly humorous story of dealing with a bank mortgage.
About 8 years ago I was deployed to a rather “austere” area: no mail, no internet, no phones, pretty much nada. I had my mortgage set up for automatic withdrawal from a transfer account I set up for that purpose and figured that would keep it all covered. Well, not so much.
After I returned home 4 months later I have a ton of mail and more than a couple angry phone calls from my bank wanting to know where their money was. I hop on line and to my amazement, there is a lot of money in sitting in that transfer account that should not be there. It seems that the bank had a little “oopsy” with their computer system shortly after I left and they never withdrew the funds from my account. Since it showed up as a missed payment they continued to not withdraw the payments in subsequent months. 4 months later and Viola, they are starting to put me through the process. Fortunately, I was able to get it cleared up but the initial phone call was kind of funny.
Bank: So why didn’t you contact us sooner?
Me: Sorry, I didn’t know their was a problem. I was outside the country in a rather remote locale.
Bank: Didn’t you get our mail.
Me: Sorry, we weren’t getting any mail.
Bank: You could have returned our calls.
Me: Sorry again ma’am, but we didn’t have any phones.
Bank: No phones?
Me: No phones.
Bank: Internet?
Me: Nope.
Bank: What about your wif..
Me: Divorced.
Bank: What about some close friends that could…
Me: Ma’am, do I sound like the kind of guy that has a lot of close friends?