Have fun at the party… If the FBI has time to monitor this blog, they have too much time on their hands!
Instead of unpacking I have been playing Halo. Its my way of fighting “the war on terror”TM If I let anyone get the rocket launcher the terrorists win.
Rent vs. Buy – one reason that renting seems to work for me now is that while I am spending some money getting this new house in shape for my needs, I will only spend so much as it isn’t my house. I spend money like a drunken sailor – renting a house definitely holds back my primal urges.
Additionally – while I don’t get any appreciation in the house (moot point because as most of us agree appreciation is out the window for a while) – I also don’t have to spend any money to fix it as it ages.
The rent isn’t cheap but probably am paying 40% of what the mortgage / taxes would cost me.