This thread has succumbed to stupidity, as one group wants to actually discuss specific tax policy with specific goals (i.e. balancing the budget) but their voices are drowned out by those crying about “fairness” and being “punished for success” (what an idiotic phrase, btw.) or the old pablum: “all politicians suck.”
My position for the federal budget is basically to implement the Simpson Bowles plan. It’s a workable solution and I believe that Obama is the most likely to make it happen in the next presidential term (unlike Romney who wants to increase military spending and cut taxes, WTF?)
So what’s your position?
And before anyone says “tax the poor,” please do the fucking math first.[/quote]
My position would be that of a Libertarian. Scale back the size and scope of the federal government. This would balance the budget and at the same time give the “they’re all the same” politicians a smaller cookie jar to steal from.