[quote=harvey]There’s no clear legal definition and almost no case-law history defining the “natural born citizen” requirement for the president. The rules aren’t even close to “spelled out” for Cruz’s situation.
Sure, it’s theoretically possible that Trump or someone else could prevail if they challenge Cruz’s eligibility.
Do we really want the person who wins a democratic election to be removed from office because the opposition challenges an obscure technicality?
Anyone who promotes such an outcome should never be president.[/quote]
I agree that natural born doesn’t have a prescient established yet. Depending on how a court defines it could mean Rubio wouldn’t be eligible. He was born here to parents that were Cuban citizens. Do your parent need to be citizens to establish “natural born”?
I also wouldn’t wait for people to vote on a candidate and then have the opposition challenge eligibility. Just have each candidate vetted by the election commission before they are allowed to run.