[quote=harvey][quote=SK in CV]Many blacks are insolent and confrontational.[/quote]
[quote=SK in CV]Many whites are insolent and confrontational.[/quote]
[quote=SK in CV]Many Hispanic kids in south central LA are insolent and confrontational.[/quote]
Not that we all didn’t know this years ago, but by the very logic you’ve used in this thread, your’re the biggest racist on this site.
Oh right – when you make generalizations about a race they are enlightened and for a noble cause. The rest of us are just “racist.”
You really don’t seem to understand the definition of “culture” – or more likely only want to use it when it’s convenient for your argument.
Just because you can point out an individual exception doesn’t mean a culture doesn’t exist.
[quote]And your use of the SJW is revealing. It’s most current origin is punk asshole anarcho-capitalists on reddit post gamergate. It’s worthless. It makes every word you utter on the subject worth dismissing.[/quote]
Wow, you read wikipedia.
Dude, you earned the SJW title. Own it.[/quote]
You make no sense. Nothing I said is racist. Nothing I said attributes anything to race. I made exactly zero generalizations about race. You really should learn what the word means. I thought you were a bright guy. Apparently not.
I doubt most of that is in Wikipedia. You should be ashamed of even using it. I’m quite sure you have no idea of how it’s been used. You think racism doesn’t exist? You think sexism doesn’t exist? You think there’s no real inequality in the world? That’s the ideology of those that created the legend the modern SJW ideology. It’s legend man. It doesn’t exist.